Nigh Hike Series: Penitencia Creek Redwood Preserve

Night hikers doing yoga, wearing their headlamps in red light mode, walking on a trail with a full moon shining above.

Friday, March 28th, 2025

Experience Night Life in Nature

The Bay Area Ridge Trail and No Worries Amigo Hiking Club are collaborating on a fun and adventurous night hike at Purisima Creek Redwod Preserve.

This hike is all about the positive vibes and mental health. We start the night with a social hour, safety talk, yoga, and then light up the night on the trails.

We will have docents from Midpeninsula Open Space Trust to answer questions and give us the inside scoop on night time life in the Redwood Forest.

We’ll be supplying snacks, hot coffee and tea for everyone who joins.

About Blair Ranch:
Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve is located on the western slopes of the Santa Cruz Mountains overlooking Half Moon Bay. The centerpiece of this 5,412-acre preserve is Purisima Creek Canyon, with its towering redwoods, rushing creek, and understory of ferns, berries, and wildflowers. Magnificent views of the coast and Half Moon Bay are visible from the northern part of the preserve.

The preserve was established with a gift of $2 million from the Save-the-Redwoods League.

What to Bring:


Sturdy Shoes for Hiking

2 Liters of Water



Positive Energy

Questions? Please email


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