Community Day: Coyote Canyon Trail Opening

a landscape picture featuring a larg mountain in the background with a gravel ranch road crossing a field in the foreground. Oak trees and an old ranch fence are visible.

Saturday, May 3rd, 2025. 10am-2pm

Location: Coyote Lake Harvey-Bear Ranch County Park

Parking: Free. Equestrian lot available with a tie line and horse trough.
Amenities: Water, Portable toilets.

Join us in celebrating the opening of a new Ridge Trail segment!

The Ridge Trail will have a booth with information and goodies to share. Come and say hello!

A new 2.6-mile stretch of multi-use primary trail in the Coyote Canyon area of Coyote Lake - Harvey Bear Ranch County Park will be open for the community to enjoy.

New Trail Segments:

Coyote Ridge Trail - 0.8 miles - This multi-use trail continues the existing Ridge Trail alignment from the north end of Coyote Lake Harvey Bear County Park on an updated ranch road with views of the Santa Clara Valley and Santa Cruz Mountains.

Ojo de Agua Trail - 1.8 miles - This newly constructed multi-use trail descends from the ridge line on a meandering course through oak woodlands with a 6-foot-wide natural surface trail. It concludes at an old ranching cabin with plans for future interpretive material.



The Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department is developing a new trail network at the Coyote Canyon area of Coyote Lake-Harvey Bear Ranch County Park, a 2,740-acre addition to the park acquired in 2016. The Coyote Canyon property ultimately creates a linkage for both recreation and wildlife between Coyote Lake-Harvey Bear Ranch County Park, Henry Coe State Park, and Anderson Lake County Park, with future regional trail connections envisioned between the three parks as part of the Countywide Trails Master Plan. 

County Parks is currently implementing the trail network approved as part of the Coyote Canyon Natural Resources Management Plan and Interim Access Plan in 2019. This includes construction of the Ojo de Agua Trail as well as trail reroutes and improvements on the Coyote Ridge Trail and Woodland Valley Trail. Trail construction was completed at the end of 2024 and the trails have been winterizing to be ready for use in April 2025.


What to Bring

Hydration: 1 liter minimum. There are no water resupply points.

Lunch + Snacks: a hearty meal, electrolyte chews, granola bars.

Sun protection: hats, sunglasses, sun block

First Aid Kit + Hygiene: It is a good idea to bring hand sanitizer to use after restroom breaks.

Questions? Please email


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